We Stand On Guard From Thee

“Today the battle is being fought within the human mind and soul, everything starts by a thought process, both sickness and health, and it is how we deal with the situation that will determine the outcome.”

Today, it seems like we always need to be on guard, we cannot relax and trust the authorities anymore. Critical thinking is now assumed to be a conspiracy theory; it is difficult to navigate your speech while remaining truthful to your convictions.

One of the silliest things is toxic food being represented as wholesome food. According to the definition of the Collins English Dictionary, food is “any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc.” So if you eat something and it fills your stomach, removes hunger and offers no nutritional value, should it still be classified as food? Should not the consumers set the market demand by their choices? Why do you think those in charge are now changing the names which we are familiar with, such as genetically modified foods now boldly labeled as bioengineered, and foods grown on sewage sludge as biosolids. Is it because consumers were avoiding the toxic processing of food and rather than letting the consumer dictate their purchases they deceive the public with their new fancy words? Are you a label reader seeking for the origin, processing, manufacturing and additives in the food you purchase? These are just a few important questions to answer.

When reading your labels, be on the lookout for acheta powder, which is the socially acceptable name for crickets. Humans may have issues eating and digesting crickets, with possible potential to affect consumer health. A “study interrogated the properties and fermentability of powders from crickets (Acheta domestica), silkworm pupae (Bombyx mori) or isolated chitin” and called “for further investigation of edible insects and their fractions.”[1]

Our health is being attacked on other fronts too. It seems as though Pfizer is up to something again, as they, according to a senior Health Canada official, failed to notify Health Canada or the FDA that they had added SV40 DNA contaminated sequences to their COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.[2] This was discovered on August 23rd, 2023, after millions of Canadians had already received their COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. The ingredients used in vaccines must be fully disclosed to health authorities prior to use of the vaccine. Once approval is acknowledged, they cannot make changes to the ingredients. DNA sequencing would never have been allowed, as it has the potential to alter the vaccine recipient’s DNA. The health consequences of altering a person’s DNA has the potential to alter the human genome, in essence, creating a different breed of person from generation to generation.

In addition, and along the same lines, I would like to draw your attention to the recent study in Japan; its most revealing part is the following. “Based on the number of excess deaths in 2022, the Japanese scientists concluded: Statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates of all cancer and some specific types of cancer, namely, ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers, were observed in 2022 after two-thirds of the Japanese population had received the third or later dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine.”[3] The six cancers in question are sensitive to estrogen receptor alpha (ERα). Researchers suggest that these cancers not only emerged post-vaccination but also led to rapid fatalities. Estrogen receptors (ERs), particularly ERα, play significant roles in the reproductive system. The adverse impacts of COVID-19 vaccines could have been reduced with less widespread vaccination and lower dosages, especially from boosters. Japanese scientists report that each Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine dose contains about 13 trillion SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP molecules, while Moderna’s contains 40 trillion. Given that the human body has around 37.2 trillion cells, a single mRNA-LNP vaccine dose could potentially reach every cell.

It is uncertain what the future holds. This is because the COVID-19 mRNA-LNP molecules are already in the bodies of hundreds of millions of people and now to discover not only RNA sequencing was used but DNA contaminate sequencing was added without prior disclosure to federal authorities. Because of the massive reach of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, we may have permanently altered the DNA of humanity in some way. There might be a massive increase in death and we cannot sit back and allow the authorities to label the deaths as from unknown causes. We may now have learned, according to these revelations, that the added deaths could partially be attributed from Pfizer adding the undisclosed DNA contaminants into the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine interfering with the immune system and causing cancer and other diseases.

With this admission of guilt, it must be stated that Pfizer is in violation of Vanessa’s Law[4] and as such, they should be held fully accountable for any unknown deaths as a result of their actions. Vanessa’s Law was put in place in Canada to protect the public from the side effects of drugs, especially the undisclosed side effects, the ones that took the life of Vanessa. The law was put in place to hold the likes of Pfizer accountable; it was not for natural health products as the current case with Bill C-47. This obviously needs to be repealed by the Liberal government along with sections 500 to 504 that will damage the sale of natural health products. The penalties for Vanessa’s Law are 5 million dollars per day, per company director, and since Pfizer admitted they deceived Health Canada by adding DNA ingredients to their mRNA Covid19 vaccine, they cannot be allowed to receive a free pass; after all, the politicians need to show the public that they have not been bought by big pharma.

To attempt to apply these same penalties to fully licensed natural health products is unwarranted as they have been proven to be ultra safe, one such charge would bankrupt most natural health brands in a single day.

Is it a coincidence that AstraZeneca is withdrawing its COVID-19 vaccine worldwide months after it acknowledged a rare and dangerous side effect? According to The Telegraph, the manufacturers admitted in court documents months ago that The Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine Vaxzevria can cause a rare and dangerous side effect.[5] “The UK largely stopped using the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine by the autumn of 2021, by which time it had supplied about 50 million doses in the UK. It was replaced there with Pfizer and Moderna jabs in time for the winter booster campaign at the end of 2021.”[6]

We do not compile and share with you these openly reported news article and studies to depress or scare you—that is the furthest thing from our intention. We see it as a public service and duty to inform our readers via our newsletters, to share health information, both good and bad to help and strengthen and provide for you the necessary tools to keep you healthy based on preventive measures.

I am under the persuasion that the world is currently battling WWIII—it happened when the world came to a stop and was locked down. It came without a single shot, well, let me rephrase that, it came without a single bullet being fired. Today the battle is being fought within the human mind and soul, everything starts by a thought process, both sickness and health, and it is how we deal with the situation that will determine the outcome. When you carry the burden, you suffer in the process. The times we are living in are scary but focusing on the fear keeps you a prisoner. We must under all conditions walk by faith and hard as it may be through all circumstance by focusing on the good rather that feeding on the negative to remain healthy and in control of your own personal and family destiny. Keeping in mind that there are millions of us who are awakened to the light, and will shine through the darkness with our collective mindset, after all, we have always lived in the moment with no guarantee of the future. Be of good courage, my friends we shall overcome.

Life Choice Immunity Protocol: 

CLAW Therapy: 3 capsules 2 times per day. An oral chelation therapy with EDTA designed to safely remove heavy metals from the body.  Graphene oxide creates a heavy metal toxic load and creates oxidative stressors that contribute to the accumulation of radiation, viruses, environmental toxins and household chemicals, heavy metals (such as graphene). Increased incidence of thyroid disease can be linked to an over-burden of toxins by pollution.

Opti Cal/Mag with K2: 2 capsules 2 times per day. Prevents the healing crisis while taking CLAW Therapy by replacing chelated minerals, best taken four hours before or after CLAW Therapy.

Melapure® Melatonin: Patented, USP Pharmaceutical Grade: 30mg per day taken two hours before bed. Melapure is a powerful antioxidant and a biocompatible competitor of hydrazine in reduction of graphene oxide (GO). Melatonin is a chronobiotic, that is, an agent that can cause adjustments of the body clock. It is also cyto-or cell protective and can reverse the inflammation typically seen in neurodegenerative disorders and aging. Melatonin is a potent antioxidant that aids the detoxification of the brain through the glymphatic system (the brain’s waste disposal apparatus that work while you sleep).

Thymus Gland: 3 capsules 3 times per day taken on an empty stomach. The thymus gland produces T-cells, our body’s immune defence, and plays a significant role in the regulation of adaptive immune responses. Overall T-Cell levels are maintained by peripheral thymus-independent homeostatic mechanisms, memory T-Cells stimulated by cytokines undergo proliferation and differentiation. Boosting the immune system by incorporating thymus gland can be a therapeutic strategy for preventing virus-related diseases. Insufficiencies of the thymus gland may lead to abnormal thymic function the incorporation may be an intrinsic factor for treating severe long term COVID disease among younger individuals. Patients’ overall health may be incorporated using thymus gland in COVID-19 management.

L-Glycine (fermented), for severe Covid-19: 2 capsules taken 3 times per day with Thymus Gland. The amino acid glycine is for the biosynthesis of heme (iron), a key component of haemoglobin, essential for red blood cell integrity and optimal oxygen capacity. Glycine is the major agonist of glycine receptors (GlyR), which are chloride channels that hyperpolarize cell membranes of inflammatory cells such as macrophages and neutrophils, turning them less sensitive to proinflammatory stimuli. In addition, glycine possesses a cytoprotective effect, improves endothelial function, and diminishes platelet aggregation.

Immunity 4 in 1: (USP grade material). 2 capsules 3 times per day with food. A single ingredient is rarely as effective as when taken with supportive synergistic nutrients. “There is evidence that quercetin in combination with, vitamins C and D, may exert a synergistic antiviral action that may provide either an alternative or additional therapeutic/preventive option due to overlapping antiviral and immunomodulatory properties.” Immunity 4 in 1 contains pure vitamin C (certified non-GMO), a powerful detoxing agent against heavy metal poisoning, useful for graphene oxide removal; pure vitamin D, a new study for Long Covid is suggesting that vitamin D supplements may help prevent or ease the debilitating condition; quercetin, a flavonoid which is antiviral and anti-inflammatory. The literature reveals that quercetin exhibits anti-COVID-19 activity because of its inhibitory effect on the expression of the human ACE2 receptors and the enzymes of SARS-CoV-2, and citrus bioflavonoids; flavonoids interact with ACE1 and ACE2 receptors, inhibit their activity and have an antiviral effect.

Laktokhan Probiotic Complex: 1 capsule before breakfast and dinner. The immune health of the gut lining, the mucosal layer within the gut, influences your intestinal flora and your entire immune system. This protective barrier separates what you consume and the inner intestinal wall.  The mucosal layer within the gut influences your intestinal flora and your entire immune system. This protective barrier separates what you consume and the inner intestinal wall. This barrier contains an immune compound called secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA/sIgA) which is critical for healthy intestinal flora; it is an antibody that helps trap foreign substances, preventing them from adhering to the inner gut wall. This process protects the tight junctions inside the gut from oxidative stress caused by germs, heavy metals, and other unwanted substances from entering circulation.

Zinc Picolinate: 1 capsule twice per day taken with food. Picolinates are part of the body’s natural chelation process, they are more readily recognized and used by the cells. Zinc is involved in more than 200 enzymatic reactions and plays a key role in genetic expression, cell division, and growth. Zinc picolinate act as antiviral against many RNA viruses including SARS-CoV-2.

Raw desiccated Thyrodine® Thyroid Gland Complex: 1 capsule in the morning and 1 in the afternoon, taken on an empty stomach. Thyroid is running close to epidemic levels, affecting radiation toxicity and hormone imbalance. The thyroid gland regulates innate and adaptive immune systems by genomic and nongenomic pathways. During or after SARS-CoV-2 infection, Graves’ disease and subacute thyroiditis might be triggered resulting in hyperthyroidism; alternatively, the effect of the virus on the hypophyseal.hypothalamic axis might cause central hypothyroidism. Severe cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can present with hypoxia (low levels of dissolved oxygen). The primary hypothesis is the direct influence on the thyroid gland by SARS-CoV-2 causing euthyroid sick syndrome (ESS), resulting in decreased levels of serum T3 and/or T4 without increased secretion of TSH. In patients with COVID-19, ESS may be directly caused by the infection of thyroid cells with SARS-CoV-2. Thyroid dysfunction maybe caused by direct infection of the thyroid or a “cytokine storm”-mediated autoimmune effect on the thyroid,

Blocking and Preventing Pathogenicity Viral Risk: 

DMSO Liquid and Colloidal Silver spray (20% ethanol): add 30 drops of DMSO liquid into a 50ml bottle of Colloidal Silver, shake well and spray once into each nostril and once in the mouth. Reduces the pathogenicity risk of COVID-19 by up to 88%.

Clinically studied on front line Covid-19 healthcare workers, intranasal inhalation spray may destroy the viruses’ structure, break the virus transmission chain, and reduces the pathogenicity risk, nasal spray composed of DMSO and ethanol causing total turmoil in the breeding and replicating virus herd inside the nasopharynx and throat. Study was performed at the Shahroud University of Medical Sciences in Iran.[7]


The information provided is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care practitioner. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the Food and Drug Administration.

Additional Reading:


[1] Refael, Gil et al. 2022.

[2] Chartier, Noé and Horwood, Matthew. 2024.

[3] Wang, Joe. 2024.

[4] Government of Canada. 2023.

[5] Mendick, Robert. 2024.

[6] Harding, Lee. 2024.

[7] Hosseinzadeh, Ali et.al. 2021.