What Is Wrong with Recommended Medical Treatments?

“Today’s medical treatment using toxic chemicals to see if treatment will work is truly barbaric when compared to holistic medicine treating the body as a single unit.”

We have been reporting on many problems, malfunctions and questions regarding the medical system in our newsletters for many years now and the list does not seem to come to an end. Either it is the short sightedness of the medical system or they are that far removed from how the body is actually designed, and how it should be treated. I know their training does not investigate the causal chain leading to a diseased state and I know many times the recommended treatments are based on testing their hypothesis to see if the procedure works. But, my god, do they not care anymore? See for yourself.

The HPV Vaccine Problem

In an article written by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. for The Defender titled ‘Dangerous’: Global PR Giant Launches Provocative HPV Vaccine Ads Targeting Gen Zers[1] it becomes plain to see that pharmaceutical companies have one goal in mind and that is making money for their shareholders. How else would you interpret an ad campaign that comes with a slogan “HPV Fucks Everybody”[2] and is designed to persuade Gen Zers to get the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. The tag lines “Stop the spread. Get the shot. Keep doing you” are targeting all the 18-26-year-olds, who are sexually active.

Drug companies have the money and they seem to have no limitations on them from saying and claiming whatever they want, how else would you interpret this fear-based marketing to nudge healthy hormone driven young people to get the jab and to believe they are protected from all sexual transmittable diseases. Unfortunately, the remarkable effectiveness of these million-dollar campaigns renders them highly dangerous. “The campaign will air 30-second and one-minute ads on 150 college campuses and in 150 malls in major markets, and also post on lifestyle websites like Thrillist, PopSugar, the dating site Grindr.”[3]

A couple months prior, there were 80 cases pending in federal court against Merck alleging Gardasil caused injuries.[4] The federal Vaccine Court’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out more than $70 million to people making claims regarding Gardasil[5] but the problem with vaccines in general is they do not protect injured children but government agencies and corporations.[6] What is a $70 million payout when you can potentially make billions? Look at Purdue Pharma, the makers of OxyContin: they paid out record amounts in court claims but a year prior to his death Sackler, the owner, was estimated by Forbes to have a net worth of around $13 billion.

The human papilloma virus (HPV) treatment may “fuck” everybody, but not the condition; HPV can be controlled if having protected sex and knowing your sexual partners. If human health was really the objective, morality and prevention would be promoted and not treatment after the fact. But, as we all know, there is no money to be made on healthy people but there certainly is in telling healthy people they are sick or at risk of being infected with a deadly virus.

Thyroid Condition Treatments

According to a medical brief on a study Thyroidectomy for Persistent Hashimoto Disease Symptoms, participants “continued long-term improvement in their quality of life 5 years after receiving a thyroidectomy.”[7]

For those that do not know, a thyroidectomy is an operation that involves the surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid gland. Why was this done to this group of 65 participants? These people experienced persistent symptoms of fatigue as well as joint or muscle pain[8] despite taking thyroxine (Synthroid).

I find this report to be very hypocritical and deceptive as they are stating that this study group continued to have long-term improvements in their quality of life after having their thyroid removed. How on earth does one experience improved quality of life when you remove a perfectly functioning gland? Let us look a little deeper. This group had 65 participants and they have you believe that they all had improvement in their quality of life.

First, 54 of the participants did not receive a thyroidectomy and did not report positive changes in their well-being over the course of 3 years. Then “the researchers reported that an ‘unacceptably high’ number of participants—14%—who received a thyroidectomy experienced lasting adverse events related to the surgery, including recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis and hypoparathyroidism.”[9] Does this sound like a success? This group never had severely damaged thyroid gland, the participants did not receive better quality of life and those that had their thyroid removed still had their pain and fatigue only now they had added paralysis and hypoparathyroidism. Hypoparathyroidism produces low levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH), which is key to regulating and maintaining a balance of calcium and phosphorus, and that leads to osteoporosis. It is no wonder they only allow the citing of this study for if you were to delve deeper, it would be interpreted as victimization.

In our recent newsletter Thyroid Conditions Are Reaching Epidemic Levels and the Medication Is Not Working we have already cited the following data but we think it is important to repeat: “21 Million Americans May Take a Hypothyroidism Drug They Don’t Need. As many as 90 percent of those who take levothyroxine [Synthroid] may have been unnecessarily prescribed the hypothyroidism medication.”[10] The quote comes from an article from the Yale School of Medicine website. We are stating this so that you know the effectiveness of taking thyroxine: it is given unnecessarily and the treatment is ineffective. Even though the claim of studies might state “backed by clinical studies” but that does not mean anything without examining the study itself and knowing its sponsor, who paid the money.

It is not just about levothyroxine though. I have heard multiple horror stories from people who have received a thyroidectomy; they struggle with their quality of life and everyone I spoke with regretted having the operation. One lady told me she had benign nodules on her thyroid and her physician said to her they may turn cancerous and recommended her to undergo a thyroidectomy followed by radioactive iodine (RAI) to be sure. She was unable to leave the hospital, she was placed in a quarantined room for 7 days, her meals were slipped through her door, nurses examining her needed to be in protective clothing and she was not allowed to make any physical contact. She was also told that for ten days she would still set off the alarm when going through customs at the airport. What is worse, after RAI, there is increased risk of developing leukemia, stomach cancer, and salivary gland cancer in the future. Now this poor lady is always tired and has joint pain, she says it was the worst decision of her life.

What is more, according to studies, “radioactive iodine was associated with an increased risk for mortality from overall cancer, breast cancer, and non-breast solid cancers”[11] despite the fact that “[r]adioactive iodine has been considered a safe and effective therapeutic option for hyperthyroidism (…) since the mid-20th century.”[12]

Not long ago a family member developed a large goiter;  of course, she places total trust in the advice given by her family physicians who recommended medication after medication as the goiter continued to increase in size. Then they experimented with chemotherapy on two separate occasions. Of course, they burnt the tumor with this toxin while the patient continued to weaken. Hope was running out, and then her doctor told her she might qualify for an experimental treatment from Japan. this got her hopes up. She was selected to be a participant in the experiment but after the treatment, her condition continued to weaken and soon thereafter, she passed away.

Treating a thyroid condition must not begin by prescribing an isolated hormone and hoping it fits within the endocrine system without causing an imbalance. We first must recognize that almost every cell in the body has thyroid hormone receptor sites, impacting all major systems from the brain, GI tract, cardiovascular, gallbladder and liver, steroid hormones, glucose, cholesterol and body temperature.

The thing is you cannot chase cancer by treating the disease in reverse, focusing on the visible symptom; treatment must recognise the focal origin of the disease process and follow the causal chain of the disease process. All disease treatments must be holistic; considering the body as a whole, simultaneously targeting the areas of the body being impacted. The human body, complex as it is, has the ability of healing itself when given the opportunity. For this to happen, lifestyle changes are absolutely necessary, beginning with dietary changes, in order to heal the bedding ground of disease, the human gut, and the gastrointestinal region.

I remember watching an original Star Trek episode when Bones, Kirk and Spock come to earth and visit a hospital. Bones looks at a person laying on a gurney and says “this state-of-the-art science-based medicine will be considered ‘barbaric’ 50 or 100 years from now” and he touches the person and he immediately gets well. For what we see today, he was right. Today’s medical treatment using toxic chemicals e.g. for chemotherapy and RAI in an experiment to see if treatment will work is truly barbaric when compared to holistic medicine treating the body as a single unit.

Till next time: As Spock would say, “Live long and prosper.”

Treatment Options:

  • For natural thyroid treatment try Thyrodine raw desiccated thyroid gland hormone free.
  • For autoimmune thyroiditis Thyrodine Thyromoto is preferred, produced without iodine—with Hashimoto’s disease iodine intake needs to be restricted.
  • Bovine Thyroid Gland is thyroxine-free, it will not add hormones but will help balance your own thyroid gland to function better.
  • For all disease treatment the gut needs to be treated first by using a fully active human strain pre/probiotic complex like Laktokhan for balanced gut bacteria. To ensure your food is fully digested and preventing leaky gut; food particle passing into your blood stream, and to ease your gall bladder and liver Full Spectrum Digestive Enzyme with ox bile are needed.

Additional Reading:


[1] Baletti, Brenda. 2023. (II.)

[2] https://www.letsfcancer.com/hpv-fucks-everybody/

[3] Baletti, Brenda. 2023. (II.)

[4] Baletti, Brenda. 2023. (I.)

[5] Ibid.

[6] Charbonneau, David. 2022.

[7] Harris, Emily. 2023.

[8] It has been reported that fatigue affects 3 out of 5 in the USA. As for chronic pain, 1 of every 5 persons in the USA live with chronic pain and most are medicated.

[9] Harris, Emily. 2023.

[10] Backman, Isabella. 2023.

[11] Kim, Brian W. 2022.

[12] Ibid.